Feb 26, 2010

A Higher Form of reasoning (Excerpt)

"The most important thing of all is to bless everyone all the time"

Around the man's neck was a necklace of fresh flowers. His sandals were simple and well worn.

"Think about what you can bless every time you meet someone. It may be his smile, or gentleness or intelligence. She may be a mother or a nurse or someone who makes people good about themselves. There is always something about everybody that you can find to bless. When you are looking for it, you will find it."

He smiled broadly at his audience.

"Just in case, i am going to give you an emergency blessing. You can use it if you can’t find one thing about someone to bless."

I had never heard a Hawaiian shaman speak before. I couldn’t imagine what he was going to say next.

"Tell yourself," He said solemnly "His exhalation feeds the plants"

The whole room burst into laughter......Outside, a gentle breeze stirred palm leaves, and i could hear the ocean below. Hawaii was as beautiful and healing as i had imagined.

I thought about what the kahuna said for a long time. I am still thinking about it. What kind of world would this be if everyone were blessing everyone all the time?

Here's another emergency blessing that you can use. Say to yourself - "This person is bringing me a lesson that is very important for me to learn. If it were not for this person, I might not be able to learn it."

When you se that everyone you meet and everything that happens to you brings you lessons that are important for you to learn, you become grateful for everyone and everything.

Then you begin to see your life in a very different way.

(Excerpt from SOUL STORIES by Gary Zukav - a must read book)

-------------Contributed by Shyamala Shukla Dixit