Feb 25, 2010

Snowfall and Angels

Before New Year eve of 2010 I and my husband wanted to travel to a hill station to view snow fall on demand of our 4 plus yr old son. We zeroed in on to go to a place which is just few kilometers near Shimla. We were determined to view snow fall and hence decided to stay at the resort for 3 nights and made sure to be on the 1st Jan night as most of our acquaintant said that it do snows during the last day or 1st day of the year.

The Three of us were quiet excited and stuffed our baggage with winter cloths as much as possible. It was a fun filled trip and my son was asking how does it look like when it snows and I was explaining him pretending as if I was born in a place where it used to be snowing the entire year :). I was also praying to almighty "Oh God let it snow and let all of us see the snow fall". I sensed that it might not snow but the other part of mine was not willing to accept the idea and was somehow doubting my instinct. I wanted a validation but was busy engaging my son during the long drive by showing him the clouds on the clear blue sky, the beautiful scenic around we were passing by.

We reached our resort near Shimla and had our 3 days of pleasant stay the environment was very nice we met many people not from Shimla though but ofcourse all from Delhi. All these 3 nights we used to sit and chat around the bonfire and stare at the sky for the hope of snow fall. We used to chat with the locals there and enquired when did it last snow and we were told "Memsahab aaj kal mausam ka koi thickana nahi hai pata nahi kab snow fall ho jata hai bas kismast ki baat hai" hearing this I could feel my heart squezing in pain and my mind would say "Oh God no please do not disappoint us let it snow please".

I used to get up mid in the night to see if it is snowing and my son used to ask me every morning "Mamma did it snow" I and my husband decided to visit Kufri where it snows for sure and we started for Kufri on 1st Jan 2010 from our resort, the drive was quiet pleasant we reached this small town and to our vain it wasn't snowing. We could see the tips of Himalayas and we showed our son he was happy though seeing the view of snow quiet a distant though but we were happy because he was happy. We returned back to our home at Faridabad and all our friends asked with excitement whether we were able to view snow and I replied them "The Global weather has changed drastically hence it is not snowing even in Kufri".

Recently while doing the Angel Communication workshop in Delhi I realised that my angels were trying to communicate with me very hard while we were driving to our resort near Shimla, it was me who could not understand the divine message. While trying to engage my son I was showing him the nature's beauty and the clouds and we even discussed see the clouds are in shape of X and it was not one it was two, three and more all over the sky and now I recall it was even while we were travelling to Kufri. My angels were trying their level best to communicate to me that "It's not going to snow" but I just ignored the message.

I was smiling when I realised this during the Angel Communication workshop and thanked my angels for their effort of communicating the message to me. It is our ignorance of the divine power which is there within every human being we fail to rely on our intution. The day we realize that things falls in place and we start relying on our intution on every step of our life. These divine powers, Angels always try to their maximum to communicate to us but they cannot without our free will.

Best Wishes - Sudeshna
Details on Doreen Virtue & her practice on Angel Therapy can be found here

Details from where I did my course on Angel Therapy is here: