Mar 15, 2010

Sahaj Yoga: Master Key to Happiness

Sahaj Yoga: Master Key to Happiness
Our ancient heritage is the repository of several techniques which come to our rescue in today's  stressful world. Sahaj Yoga is one of them. It finds mention in the discourses of Guru Nanak, Sankaracharya, Kabir and Sant Dyaneshwar. It is invaluable for one's mental, physical, psychological and spiritual well-being.
How does Sahaj Yoga work? Does it really awaken our spirits?
Yes. It's the kundalini (kundal loop), the divine energy, which lies below the sacrum (bottom of the vertebral column), which when stimulated ascends through the sushumna nadi, which is in the spine and corresponds to the parasympathetic nervous system. There is a spontaneous awakening and the union of our primordial energy with the all-pervading power of the divine. The awakening of the kundalini allows the divine energy to pass through the six chakras (energy centres), which take care of the physical, mental, psychosomatic and spiritual aspects of the body. In today's fast moving world we often overstretch ourselves to achieve our goals.Stress is its side effect. It adversely affects our body system. But Sahaj Yoga is an easy way to distress ourselves. It makes us experience love and compassion.
 What does Sahaj Yoga mean?
Saha means with us, ja means born and yoga is union. Sahaj Yoga is therefore spontaneous. Through it the residual divine energy, which resides in sacrum bone is awakened and energised. There are three nadis in our body, namely ida (sympathetic nervous system, left) which controls our temperament; pingala (sympathetic nervous system, right) which controls our physical and mental well-being; and sushumna nadi (parasympathetic nervous system, centre) which has chakras to give us our qualitative attributes. If a person activates the chakras in this nadi, he would attain spiritual ascent and enjoy life to the fullest.
Sahaj Yoga considers six chakras, namely Mooladhar Chakra, Swadhi Sthan Chakra, Nabhi Chakra, Anahat Chakra, Shuddhi Chakra, Agnya (not a chakra) and Sahasrura Chakra. All these chakras correspond to a particular place on hand and correspond to a particular element of the universe. Each is attributed with special qualities. The first chakra Mooladhar Chakra depicts the element earth and attributes qualities of innocence and wisdom. The Swadhisthan Chakra represents the element fire and is responsible for creativity and divine knowledge. Nabhi Chakra, representing water, gives us sustenance and dharma.
Anahat Chakra represents air and attributes the qualities of love, maryada, and fearlessness. It awakens the atma (soul). The Shuddhi Chakra representing the element ether, is associated with divine diplomacy. It maintains integration between mind and speech. Speech (vani) is important and a proper coordination between thought and speech assures better communication. Agnya is for forgiveness and resurrection, representing the element light.
If we are tense we cannot utilise the full potential of mind. Tension and anger have to be controlled. If this area of the spine is awakened, one can control one's anger. The last chakra is the Sahasrura Chakra and represents all the five elements of the universe. Its place is the centre of the palm. This chakra attributes the qualities of collective consciousness and integration.
Today, stress-related ailments are on the rise. Mental tension is taking a toll of our happiness. The quest for peace and tranquility is at a premium. In this scenario, Sahaj Yoga is a master key to solving the problems of the mind and the body. One has to learn to awaken one's kundalini to experience happiness and enjoy the fruits of Sahaj Yoga.
This vital peace of information I received from the inspiring articles of The Speaking Tree - Times of India.
I suggest reading the same.
Divine Blessings and Best wishes to All,
Sangeeta Dasgupta